Gov. Otti speaks to Abians’ – An Opportunity to showcase his administrations’ scorecard coming into the month of September


Gov. Otti speaks to Abians’ – An Opportunity to showcase his administrations’ scorecard coming into the month of September

Friday the 6th of September 2024 presented yet another opportunity for an interaction between Governor of Abia state Dr. Alex Otti and the people who gave him the mandate to become governor and that is the good people of Abia state.

The evening witnessed the September edition of the monthly media chat tagged “Governor Alex Otti speaks to Abians”; a time the governor sits to take questions from a cross section of Journalists and media professionals drawn from platforms covering the print, broadcast and online practitioners. Questions were also entertained from Abians from within the state and outside,reaching the media chat through internet connections.

The media conversation which kicked off with the arrival of the state chief executive at about 7 pm began with introductory remarks from Gov. Otti highlighting impactful projects undertaken so far by his government to enhance the welfare of the people of Abia. In his characteristic pattern, the governor thanked those present in person at the banquet hall, government house Umuahia and those watching online and listening by radio.

He acknowledged the overwhelming support his administration has continued to receive from Abians in furtherance of the collective charge to change the narrative of misgovernance experienced within the state in the past.

Governor Otti began his update by remarking that his government continues to drive the affairs of government in the interest of the masses and generality of the people of Abia.

He explained that through the direct Labour Agency of the ministry of works, the government has fixed 108 roads across the state. Governor Otti admitted that this method has proved cost effective and guarantees quality through the application of available manpower domiciled within the state ministry of Works. He seized the opportunity to acknowledge the depth of talent available locally and thanked the engineers and crafts men who have contributed to the success recorded so far in road infrastructure rehabilitation and construction within the past 15 months in the state through direct Labour.

Touching on road reconstruction projects awarded as contracts to civil engineering firms,the governor noted that delivery is on schedule with strict supervision to maintain compliance to agreed specifications in ensuring durability over time after the roads are delivered. He highlighted the flag off for the reconstruction of the Ohafia-Arochukwu Federal road which took place at the popular old Soldier Junction,Ohafia on the 28th of August.

The 41.4 kilometers long road is projected to connect to the Akwa Ibom section which has already been fixed by Abias’ neighbouring state. Gov. Otti noted that when this very important Abia section is done, it will link up to the 67.44 kilometres Ohafia-Abiriba-Isuikwuato-Osuakoli-Umuahia road thus creating unfettered movement from Abias’ capital through Abia North zone in the South-East region into Akwa Ibom in Nigeria’s South-South region.

Still on road infrastructure, the governor revealed that a number of other road reconstruction projects have been advertised with contracts set to be awarded soon to reputable highway construction firms with the focus to ensure optimum quality delivery.

On health, Governor Otti noted that his administration has continued to push the frontiers with the commissioning of an eye centre built at the Amachara General Hospital in Umuahia. He acknowledged the immediate impact of the eye centre with over 600 hundred patients receiving eye care at the hospital on the day of commissioning.

He announced the commencement of phase 2 in the upgrade of Abia State University Teaching Hospital – ABSUTH. Gov. Otti recalled that the phase 1 in the upgrade of ABSUTH saw to the restoration of the Institutions’ accreditation in December by the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria. The Institution could neither train nor graduate medical doctors owing to the loss of accreditation as a result of decay in healthcare training facilities before the coming to office of Dr. Alex Chioma Otti.

The government has commenced the rehabilitation of 200 primary healthcare centres across 184 wards in the state and the mandate from the governor is for the project to be delivered in 100days. This project according to Gov. Otti aims to bring healthcare near to everyone in Abia; not limited by location. The general hospitals are also receiving attention to compliment efforts by government to resuscitate standards in the primary and secondary healthcare sectors in Abia.

On education, the governor noted that while his administration is rehabilitating schools, the curriculum is also being worked on. This is to enable Abia schools impart relevant training to Abia children, equipping them to be competitive in the 21st century global economy. The vision has led to the identification and commencement of specialised training for 2000 Abia teachers by consultants engaged by the state government. True to his hands on nature, the governor recently paid a working visit to one of the training centres and expressed deep satisfaction with the quality of impartation during the exercise.

On completion of the training, these two thousand teachers would be qualified as master trainers tasked with the responsibility of training other teachers in the state. The plan is to evolve a new mindset in the teaching profession and curriculum development which will impact visibly within a short while on pupils and students in the state. This key’s into added incentives by the administration of Gov. Otti to encourage teachers in the state such as the extension of the retirement age to 65years.

Touching on environmental sanitation, the governor noted that the state waste management agency -ASEPA- was not resting on its oars with an intensified effort in waste collection and disposal to ensure a sanitary Abia. Gov. Otti revealed that discussions were in early stages on engaging waste processing managers whose responsibility it would be to convert waste collected from across Abia to wealth. This is line with current global best practices of developing a green economy with less waste, environmental pollution and more recycling.

The governor informed on the minor restructuring of certain ministries in the state. He mentioned the appointment of a few fresh commissioner’s with the latest being the commissioner for Agriculture. Education ministry was split into Basic/secondary and Tertiary while ministry of Labour and productivity was created. Industry was exercised from the ministry of commerce while SMEs was taken out of the ministry of digital economy. A new ministry tagged Industry and SME was created therefrom. Ministry of Science,Technology and Innovation also came into the picture during the restructuring. The governor charged the new appointee’s on maximum service delivery to the people.

At this point, the media chat shifted gear to the question and answer session.

In response to a question on efforts made by government to give the capital a facelift, the governor acknowledged the installation of traffic control systems at Isigate in the heart of Umuahia as part of the rejuvenation plan to lift the status of the capital city.

To another question on reasons why some civil servants are not paid at the end of the Month, the governor stated categorically that adequate provisions are made by the administration for the prompt payment salaries monthly since he assumed office. He advised those who have issues with prompt payment of salaries to channel their complaints to the office of the Accountant General of the state for a quick resolution of whatever bottle necks that may exist.

On public water projects in the state; which before now supplied portable water to Abians’ in several communities but have now become completely moribund, the governor revealed that his government is about to revive existing water works in communities were they existed before now. And for communities whose water treatment plants can’t be revived, the state government will build brand new public water supply systems to serve such communities. He noted that his government is in touch with experts in this field who are willing to help the state actualise a reviving of public pipe borne water supply systems in the state.

Responding to the question on the recent Labour party expanded stakeholders meeting convened by Governor Otti and other chieftains of the party in Umuahia,the governor stated that it was a gathering aimed at fostering peace and to ensure the survival of the party. The governor noted that he had the backing of the majority of the party stakeholders especially those elected on the party’s platform, the presidential candidate of the party at the 2023 elections Mr. Peter Obi and his running mate Dr. Datti Baba Ahmed. Gov.Otti cited privileged information at his disposal for convening the meeting to prevent the extinction of Labour party.

On the boundary dispute between Isu community in Abia north and their neighbours in Cross River state, the governor acknowledged relieve materials being sent to displaced members of Isu community and efforts to engage the government of Cross River state to resolve the long standing boundary dispute. Gov. Otti appreciates the favourable disposition of Rivers State government in finding a lasting solution to the crisis which unfortunately has led to loss of life and property in the past.

On certain roads in communities bordering the state capital Umuahia, Gov Otti noted that before now many roads in the state were in a state of disrepair and thus his government is taking one step at a time in rehabilitating the entire road infrastructure in the state.

In responding to a question on the alleged extortion of ABSU students by some lecturers, the governor acknowledged that the allegation was weighty but called for specifics and further details on the allegations.This according to Gov. Otti will aid the government to investigate and to take definitive action on the lecturers involved in the alleged extortion.

On the non payment of pensions to retirees of the Broadcasting Corporation of Abia-BCA, the governor explained that the dichotomy between the core and none-core workers in the state played negatively against the retirees of BCA. He explained that his government having abolished the dichotomy is looking into the issue and promised that these set of retirees will soon be captured in the state pensions scheme.

Further on questions relating to salary arrears owed workers by previous administration, Gov. Otti restated that he has made a commitment to clear the backlog but that will be possible as resources to do so becomes available. He reminded all that he has the mandate to attend to every sector in Abia without neglecting any including the backlog of salaries owed by previous administrations in the state. He noted that no salary backlog can be linked to his administration because civil servants receive salaries duely every monthly under his watch.

A few more questions were taken from online platforms as sent in by the listening and viewing audience.

The interaction came to close at about 8:30 pm with the Governor moving round the auditorium to exchange pleasantries with journalists and for photo-ops.

The September edition of the media interaction tagged Gov. Alex Otti Speaks to Abians’ in what has become a monthly ritual lived up to its billing as an opportunity for the Governor to touch base with Abians.

Further reactions and media discussions have continued to trail the chat with the dissection of various aspects of the interaction. Indeed a new dawn of transparency and openness in governance as promised by Dr. Alex Chioma Otti has evolved in Abia.

A new Abia is here and it is championed by Dr. Alex Otti.

By Chukwuma Elvis, Public Affairs Commentator