Gov.Otti reiterates commitment for Abia’s rapid transformation @33


Abia @ 33:Gov.Otti reiterates commitment to the rapid transformation of the state

The Abia State Governor of Alex Otti has vowed to continue rewrite the ugly narratives and take the state to a greater height.

The governor who disclosed this in an address to mark the 33rd anniversary of the creation of the state expressed profound gratitude to God for his guidance and sustenance all these while despite the numerous challenges and travails the state has faced during these past years.

“Abia is Christened God’s own state for a of the last 33 years have amply demonstrated that  the people who occupy this land have a special place in the Creator’s agenda,We are his people,he is our God and we do not take this privilege for granted” he stated.

Gov. Otti also lauded the contributions of the past leaders of the state  in both the military and democratic dispensation for their sterling roles in advancing the course of the state economically, politically and otherwise.

He equally extolled the sons and daughters for being enterprising and diligent and praised them for their resilient disposition towards life which has benefited the state immensely in various ways.

“Beyond the  gift of great men and women which has been bestowed to us in abundance we also have very important foundational advantages including large expanse of land to support our agricultural expertise,vast supply of mineral resources and vast supply of mineral resources that reflect our historical interests in trade and commerce”.

The number one citizen of the state however expressed mixed feelings on this 33 years journey which has been characterized by its lows and highs and therefore stated the need for a collective reflection and soul searching questions to redirect the course of this journey for the betterment of the state

He further tasked  the citizens and leaders  never to rest on their oars inorder to ensure that the dream of a new Abia is actualized

The former Bank Ceo Expressed the willingness of his government to expand the frontiers of opportunities for the citizens of the state through massive infrastructural development in the rural communities and urban areas which will help to improve the standard of living of the people and also enhance the economy of the state.

“We are also improving access to social services through sustained investment in the resuscitation of health care facilities and schools” the governor boasted

On the area of security, the governor extolled the efforts of the various security agencies who have helped to restore normalcy in areas that were previously bedevilled by criminal gangs which have helped to promote peace and  economic stability of the state.

The Governor once again promised the people that his administration is everly committed to taking the state to greater height and uplifting standard of living of the people through people-oriented policies despite the present economic challenges facing the country.

He adviced the citizens to look beyond this present circumstance and count their blessings,step into the future with  courage  believing that Abia will surely be great in their life time.