As Governor Otti’s Determined Effort to Clear N18B Arrears Owed by Ikpeazu’s Administration Brings Relief to Abia Worker


As Governor Otti’s Determined Effort to Clear N18B Arrears Owed by Ikpeazu’s Administration Brings Relief to Abia Workers

Ebere Uzoukwa, Ph.D

Governor Alex Otti of Abia State has made good on his campaign promise to clear the lingering salary arrears owed to Abia workers by the previous administration of Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu. In a bold move, Otti released N1.5 billion as the first installment of the debt, pledging to commit the same amount monthly until the entire N18 billion is settled.

This development marks a significant departure from the era of neglect and abandonment that characterized the PDP-led administration of Ikpeazu, which left Abia workers in financial distress, with some owed salaries for as long as 33 months.

Governor Otti’s commitment to clearing the arrears is a testament to his administration’s prioritization of workers’ welfare and good governance. Since assuming office, Otti has ensured that Abia workers receive their salaries promptly, demonstrating his determination to create a happy and productive workforce.

The Governor’s decision to tackle the salary arrears head-on has brought immense relief to Abia workers, many of whom had faced unimaginable hardship due to the previous administration’s failure to pay their salaries.

“Governor Otti’s actions have brought hope and relief to Abia workers,” said a civil servant who preferred anonymity. “We are grateful for his commitment to our welfare and look forward to continued good governance.”

Otti’s resolve to settle the salary arrears is part of his broader vision to ensure Abians enjoy the dividends of democracy. His leadership has shown that good governance is possible, and Abians are reaping the benefits.

The Governor’s commitment to transparency and accountability has also been evident in his handling of the salary arrears. By releasing the funds in a transparent manner, Otti has demonstrated his administration’s commitment to openness and accountability.

As Abia continues on the path of progress, the legacy of the PDP’s misrule is gradually being erased. Governor Otti’s administration is writing a new chapter in Abia’s history, one of transparency, accountability, and development.

With Otti at the helm, Abia’s future looks brighter than ever. The Governor’s determination to clear the salary arrears and prioritize workers’ welfare has sent a strong message that his administration is committed to the well-being of Abia workers.

As the monthly installments continue to flow, Abia workers can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that their Governor is committed to their welfare. Otti’s promise fulfilled is a testament to his administration’s commitment to good governance and the hwell-being of Abia workers.

The people of Abia are witnessing a new era of leadership, one that prioritizes their needs and well-being. Governor Otti’s administration is a beacon of hope for a brighter future, and Abians are grateful for his leadership.

Dr. Ebere Uzoukwa is the SSA(Public Affairs) to the Governor of Abia State.