Ekeoha Market Remodeling: Putting The Records Straight Against The Misleading Lies


Ekeoha Market Remodeling: Putting The Records Straight Against The Misleading Lies


by Ferdinand Ekeoma

Two days ago, pictures of the demolition of Ekeoha Market began circulating on the social media. Knowing that Abia State Government had entered into an agreement with a Private Developer to rebuild and remodel the market to genuinely assume the status of a Modern Market devoid of the present signature of decay and dilapidation, Abians were excited to hear of the commencment of the phase one demolition. However, we were alarmed when we read on some Platforms, including that of one of the Lawyers representing the petitioners opposed to the demolition that Abia State Government flauted a Restraining Order from the Court. This allegation is not only false and misleading, but represents an audacity of illegality driven to the extreme.

The Facts as they are:


1. The same set of Petitioners filed two different applications in court and made two different prayers. One argued that the market was owned by the local government and as a result, the state was not in a position to enter into any form of PPP arrangement with developers to remodel the market. What they failed to realize was that Ekeoha is different from many other markets in Abia State. Ekeoha was built by the Eastern region before the civil war, it was inherited by the old Imo state and finally passed onto Abia after her creation. However, the overiding driver here for the government is the life threatening risk existing structures in Ekeoha pose to traders and their customers.

The second case focused largely on giving them, the petitioners the right of first refusal to remodel the market since they originally built the sub-standard structures that pose risk to lives. The truth is traders don’t understand the technical requirements behind public structural works and it’s evident from the number of building collapses recorded.

2. The First matter was heard by the Judge on Friday last week and based on the weakness and emptiness of the argument presented by the petitioner, the matter was vacated.

Again, the Order was an Interim Injunction which has a life span of 7 days and had since automatically expired.
If the Petitioner claims that the order is still subsisting, why did he go on Appeal? See appeal documents attached below.

3. The second matter which hinged on who should do the remodeling was the basis for the interlocutory injunction that was granted. The lawyers to the Petitioner hid this truth from the public and intentionally gave the false impression that there is still an injunction restraining the government from carrying out the demolition which was obviously done in the overriding public interest.


1. It’s on record that shops in the Ekeoha Market had collapsed on different occasions in the past, the saving miracle was that those occasions were either on a Sunday or in the night.

To underscore the implication of allowing these illegal and Self-serving structures stand, we recorded a near miss incident in July 2023 when a section of the sub standard structures collapsed. We are speaking to a scenario where 2 additional levels of stores were built on top of a bungalow without any visible reinforcement from the ground. That’s how despicable the perpetrators were.

2. It’s a known fact that the Master Plan of the Market was grossly abused by different successive administrations in the past, which led to the complete destruction of the Sanitary Lane, Fire Service Lane, Parking Slot and Public Emergency Exit Lane, thus making the market unconducive, while at the same time putting the lives of traders and visitors at risk.

3. It’s also a fact that the market has spilled over to the surrounding roads making the environment an eyesore, just because too many illegal structures were built and given to undesired number of people.


1. The so-called contractors/petitioners did not proceed to get building design permits after getting approvals from the past PDP governments. As you know if they had gone for building approval , no one in his right senses will issue permit to build those illegal structures.

2. They have no experience and no certifications and qualifications to function as developers neither did they hire those with the requisite competence and capacity to do the job.

3. Since they failed to realize that it’s a criminal offence to build without permit, and still had the audacity to pressure the government to allow them to endanger the lives of Traders in the market, the government might also consider prosecuting all those involved to serve as a deterrent to others.


1. To ensure that the demolition and planned remodelling do not affect traders negatively, the government made adequate provision for traders to continue with their trading activities at the GSM Market at Old Court which is about 3 minutes drive from Ekeoha. Both logistics and shop space was provided for all affected traders free of charge. This is verifiable.

2. The government has worked out a phased development strategy with the developer to ensure that only phase 1 section of the market is demolished while trading continues at the other sections. This is both empathic and patriotic.

3. This project was flagged off by the Executive Governor of the state, Dr. Alex Otti on the 8th of August 2024 with a clear intention to modernize and expand the textile industry in the state.. The new facility when completed will come with a mini clinic, a fiber optic internet connectivity, automatic lifts, a fire fighting facility etc.

4. The government is also making sure that original shop allotees are given the right of first refusal in retaining their shops which is why a friendly payment plan is also in the works to enable them pay Instalments while the project is ongoing.

5. In executing projects meant for the well-being of Abians, the Alex Otti led-government has continually adopted the strategy of openness and honest engagements whenever and wherever people’s livelihood or business activities would be affected. The Ossah and Umuene- Umuika roads respectively are two clear examples.

Abians are enjoined to completely ignore those who have vowed to constitute themselves as an obstacle geared towards slowing the pace of governance and development being carried out by the present government.

Unlike those who were involved in criminal acquisition and grabbing of government lands, schools, markets and shops belonging to the government and members of the public which they transferred to themselves and their cronnies, the Present Alex Otti led-government has zero tolerance for such acts of impunity, therefore what the government is doing is for the good of the state and its citizens.

Ferdinand Ekeoma
Special Adviser to the Governor
(Media and Publicity)
September 22, 2024.