Gov. Otti’s anniversary mesaage: Rekindling Abia’s legendary spirit to overcome vicissitudes


Gov. Otti’s anniversary mesaage: Rekindling Abia’s legendary spirit to overcome vicissitudes
– By Eagle Okoro

The Wednesday, August 27th goodwill message to Abia people by Gov. Alex Otti, in commemoration of the 33rd anniversary of the creation of the state, was simply inspirational, beautifully woven in choice lexicon and semantics and with the potency to revive a forlorn soul from complete despair and surrender.

No doubt, the motivational power behind the almost four-page speech, entitled “Abia at 33: Looking to the future with boundless optimism”, was intentional to once again galvanise and rekindle the waning but legendary can-do spirit of the average Abia man and woman to defeat their vicissitudes and move on to attain greatness.

And paying deserved tribute to the great efforts and sacrifices of Abia’s progenitors and well-meaning elder statesmen, he said, “May I, on behalf of the good people of Abia State, acknowledge and appreciate our past leaders for their diverse contributions to the political, economic and social development of our dear state.

“Individually and collectively, they contributed in very unique ways to the growth and transformation of our communities, touched lives, and made Abia an important place in the larger geographical reality, called Nigeria.”

But, bluntly speaking, it is unfortunate how the lofty vision and profound hopes of the great founding fathers of the state got recklessly dashed by the Machiavellian and transactional political class, who masqueraded as leaders but conmen – wolves in sheep’s clothing!

Cunningly, they severally forced their way into the saddle of political leadership of the state by virtue of their ill-gotten wealth, with which they repeatedly armtwisted and induced the electoral umpires and systems’ operators for two decades plus four years.

And, of course, their sole purpose of capturing political power, particularly becoming Abia Governors at various times, was to amass wealth rather than offer selfless service to Abians and humanity. This is evident in the lifestyles and stupendous wealth primitively acquired by the three preceding governors, beginning from Orji Uzor Kalu (1999-2007) to Theodore Ahamefule Orji (2007-2015) and Victor Okezie Ikpeazu (2015-2023).

These “rulers” took turn to plunder and misappropriate Abia’s common patrimony to develop themselves, their families and cronies, leaving Abia and its “ordinary” people to live and rot away in deep deprivation and abject poverty.

They spent their tenures massaging their ego and serving their personal interest rather than those of the state and its citizenry, hence they ended up arrogantly becoming “the only cock that crows” in their environments.

So, for 24 years under the current democratic dispensation, the state groped in the wilderness without the right leadership that possessed the right compass to effectively navigate its way and shepherd the people of God’s Own State to the Promised Land.

They provided a leadership that weaponised poverty, using it to breed a highly impoverished and frustrated population – a people, whose hope for a meaningful and sustainable livelihood was mindlessly shattered by a legion of insensitive political adventurers.

As birds of a feather, they ganged up on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) against the progressive interest of the state and Abia people.

It was for this reason that every succeeding administration on the same platform perpetrated its own rape against the state and left it and its inhabitants helpless and worse off.

That was the Abia narrative in the 24 long years the hawks held on to the saddle, until the eventual emergence of Gov. Alex Chioma Otti, following his landslide against the “landlords” in the 2023 Abia Governorship Election.

And with a clear cut transformative programme for sustainable growth and prosperity for the state and it people, Gov. Otti persuaded the citizenry to “Weep no more”, assuring them, in clear terms, that “Help is here”, finally.

And as clearly stated in his message to mark Abia’s anniversary this year, he said that the occasion offers another platform for sober reflection over the past and a projection into a brighter future for a new and prosperous Abia.

Coming at a period the citizenry and residents alike are pumelled and disoriented by harsh economic challenges ravaging the country, Gov. Otti came with a soothing message that all hopes are not lost.

He said: “We acknowledge that things have not gone according to plan, following unanticipated economic headwinds that have made planning very difficult for families, businesses and the government.

“Even then, we must refuse to give in to despair because this present storm shall definitely pass.

“We should go out today and always with our heads held high like our ancestors.

“We are the scions of brave men and women, our parents and grandparents lived through wars and famine, yet, they did not stop dreaming, they were set apart by the power of optimism.

“As a people, this is the best time to look beyond the present circumstances and count our many blessings.”

Continuing, he said: “Abia, as we promised, shall be great in our lifetime because we know we have what it takes to do it and we shall do it, for ourselves, and our children.”

His message is reassuring and strives to further reinforce the people’s faith in God and his government.

The governor also deployed the anniversary message to affirm his avowed commitment to build an economy with boundless opportunities. An economy that will enable the citizenry, particularly the energetic youths, to stoically harness their God-given potential to hit the top of their respective careers – be it business, commerce, industry, and ICT.

He further reassured the people of better times ahead, saying that “through our infrastructure restoration and expansion projects in rural and urban communities, new corridors of opportunities are being created in agriculture and allied industries, retail trade, transportation, petroleum and solid mineral exploration, and so much more.

“Our economic development agenda is firmed on the creation of jobs and alleviation of poverty,” he further stated.

And for the umpteenth time, the governor reiterated his devotion to the task of actualising the lofty dreams and vision of Abia’s forebears.

He said: “We have been presented with a new opportunity to dream bigger, start better and advance farther on the strength of knowledge gained from past experiences.

“On the basis of what we have learnt in the last 33 years, it is now taken for granted that it is up to us, the present generation of Ndi Abia, to work diligently to actualise the dreams and vision that inspired our fathers to fight for the creation of this state, set the foundation for its greatness and leave us good references in peaceful co-existence.

“It is now up to us to take up the challenge and contribute more than ever before to build a new and just society.

“As a government, we are continuing to expand the frontiers of opportunities for ordinary men and women in pursuit of the vision of the founding fathers of our great state.”

But he does not pretend that the task of achieving a new Abia could be a tea party or a walk in the park nor achieved singlehanded. He appreciates the enormity of the assignment and believes that the people must collaborate to make it happen.

Accordingly, he said: “A new Abia is being built and you, the people, are the architects, providing very critical support and direction to ensure that what we have committed to are being done, that the resources of the state are rightly channelled to meet the needs of the majority.

“Our development framework is comprehensive, which explains why we are not just building new layers of physical infrastructure; we are also improving access to social services through sustained investments in the resuscitation of healthcare facilities and schools.”

Although, the adminiatration has been able to record a modicum of achievements in its 15 months of coming on board, Gov. Otti feels that a lot more work still lies unaccomplished – meaning that what’s on ground so far is only but a tip of the iceberg.

He said, “My promise is that we shall not rest on our oars. We shall continue to work very hard to fulfil the promises that won us your trust.”

And to fact-check his campaign promises that truly endeared him to a larger majority of the Abia electorate, nay entire populace, vis-a-vis the successes already made, quickly brings to mind the timely defrayment of the humongous arrears of salaries and pensions of the civil servants and retirees, amounting to N50 billion and N10 billion, respectively.

But beyond dealing decisively with those two giant elephants in the room, Gov. Otti has also ensured that salaries are now paid as and when due and, as he said, “never again will Abia retirees be owed their pensions”. Thus, as the civil servants are receiving their salaries, so are the retirees getting their pensions. Praise God!

Also, during the campaigns ahead of the March 2023 governorship poll, he promised to tackle head-on the critical infrastructure needs of Aba, the commercial and industrial hub, East of the Niger.

Specifically, he promised to address the issue of road infrastructure for easy and smooth movement of goods and services as well as the huge energy needs to drive industrial growth. These two key economic enablers are deemed critical toward achieving industrial and commercial revolution in Enyimba City.

Interestingly, the governor’s unrelenting drive for uninterrupted electricity supply gained serious milestone with the coming on stream of the Geometric Power Plant in Osisioma, near Aba.

On roads, Gov. Otti has not only acquitted himself with the massive works on critical road networks in Aba but endeared himself more to the heart of the average Aba trader, motorist, artisan, businessman, industrialist, and ordinary resident as well as visitors and thoroughfarers.

The presence of Julius Berger, the globally-acclaimed road construction giants, in the city and the expansive work ongoing on the abandoned Port Harcourt Road and many others, are clear testimonials to the fact that Aba occupies a special place in Gov. Otti’s heart.

At the last count, the administration has rehabilitated and reconstructed over 90 roads, and still counting, across the three senatorial districts of the state that were at different stages of disrepair.

The reforms currently going on in the education and health sectors are geared toward achieving a more functional educational system as well as a health system that meets the people’s health challenges.

This is why having carried out comprehensive renovation and retrofitting of the dilapidated and neglected General Hospitals, including the Amachara General Hospital, Specialist Hospital, Umuahia, Aba General Hospital and Abia State University Teaching Hospital, the government recently shifted its focus to the more than 200 primary health centres in the entire 17 Local Government Areas.

Many more programmes and activites are ongoing in other critical sectors of the state and the dividend of government’s investments in those areas would soon begin to manifest for everyone to see and appreciate.

Gladly, no matter how difficult and herculean the task of rebuilding Abia from the deep rot, decay and ruins of more than three decades might prove to be, Gov. Otti has demonstrated an unequivocally strong determination, doggedness and extraordinary zeal and commitment to actualise what many thought were mere political jiggery-pockery and empty campaign rhetoric, even in the face of dwindling resources that could have conveniently provided him with an alibi to also abandon his covenant with Abia and the people.

Rather, he has proved beyond doubt in his 15 months in the saddle that building a new Abia is not rocket science, as he would always say, but only requires an extraordinary political will, visionary and purposeful leadership as well as honesty and sincerity of purpose to realise.

Therefore, with sustained momentum as well as the necessary wherewithal and, above all, grace of God, it becomes only a matter of time before Abia will launch into the fulfilling, golden era envisioned by its founding fathers. Indeed, with God all things are possible!

– Eagle Okoro is a Public Affairs analyst and writes from Umuahia

