By Emeka Nwosu, PhD.

A significant milestone was recorded in Abia State last week with the bold decision of Governor Alex Otti to construct model court buildings across the 17 Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the State. In taking the decision, the Governor was being intentional in creating conducive environment for the Judiciary to thrive and contribute seamlessly to the growth of democracy and good governance in Abia.

As a very vital arm of government in a democracy, the role of the Judiciary is principally to promote the rule of law and ensure that the conduct of public policy is in accordance with due process. It also provides the needed balance in government as it exists to mediate and interpret the law in cases of conflict between the Executive and Legislature.

The Judiciary cannot effectively and efficiently discharge these onerous constitutional responsibilities if it is encumbered in any way.
It is, therefore, thoughtful of the Governor to seek to provide the necessary ambience for this vital arm of government so that it can be in a firm footing to deliver justice to all manner of men and women without any inhibitions. There is no doubt that the Judiciary occupies a central place in constitutional governance because democracy is centred on the principles of due process and rule of law. For our democracy to survive and endure with time, the Judiciary must be in an unfettered and independent position to dispense justice.

Governor Otti seems clearly aware of these facts, hence the decision to chart a new path for the Judiciary in Abia State by ensuring that it operates in conducive and civilized environment, befitting its status as the third estate of the realm. Speaking while performing the foundation laying ceremony of the first set of the court buildings at the Umuene Magistrate Court in Isiala Ngwa South LGA, Otti said that the modern court buildings would be replicated across the remaining 16 LGAs of the State.

The Governor noted that the project speaks volumes of his commitment to building a community with access to justice, assuring that he would partner and collaborate with the Judiciary and other relevant stakeholders to institute an ecosystem where justice is the order of the day. He stated that the project is in fulfilment of his campaign promise to put in place an effective judicial system that responds to the 21st century demands of judicial service delivery.

In his words: “What we have gathered to witness is not just about the erection of new blocks of court rooms from where those who work in the temple of justice can perform their day to day activities. We have come to fulfil a major campaign promise that under our watch, centres of justice administration in the State shall have a more functional appeal”.

“This project is in line with our vision of working closely with the judicial arm of government to create robust channels for the speedy dispensation of justice”.

“This initiative is anchored on the common understanding that access to justice is an irreducible minimum in a democracy”.

Otti gave an assurance that the project would be delivered as scheduled, warning that he would not entertain any shoddy work. He further stated that a monitoring team had been put in place to closely monitor the progress of the project to ensure that it duly complies with specifications. The Governor further tasked the beneficiary communities to ensure that the court halls and all the facilities to be provided are not vandalized.

Speaking earlier, the Chief Judge of the State, Justice Lilian Abai said that the flagging off of the new court halls by the Governor was unprecedented in the State Judiciary, stating that it would enhance productivity among judicial officers. She commended the Governor for his commitment towards justice delivery in the State and assured that the Judiciary would uphold the rule of law.

The Commissioner for Justice and Attorney General of the State, Barrister Ikechukwu Uwanna who also spoke on the occasion noted that before Otti came to the rescue, the court halls in Abia were nothing to write home about, adding that they were in dilapidated situations. He said that when completed, the court halls would have a lobby room for lawyers and a room for inmates from correctional facilities with provision for Judges or Magistrates as well as legal assistants, natural light, ventilation, solar power among others. He concluded by saying that the project was a testament to Otti`s commitment to efficient justice delivery.

A major point that can be distilled from this heartwarming development in Abia State under the superintendence of Otti is that every vital sector of governance is receiving due attention. It is also an indication that he came prepared to ensure a holistic development of the State which, before him, was a metaphor for misgovernance and underdevelopment.

Dr. Nwosu, a Public Policy Analyst, writes from Umuahia.