Otti’s one year and the bliss of transformation and development


Otti’s one year and the bliss of transformation and development

Dr Ebere Uzoukwa, Ph.D

Dr Alex Chioma Otti OFR will clock one year in office as the fifth Executive Governor of Abia State on 29th May 2024. The first class economist and ex-bank chief declared his intention to govern God’s Own State in 2015, following his resignation as the Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the defunct Diamond Bank.

Unfortunately, his victory was brazenly snatched. In 2019, he presented himself again and was again robbed. His landslide and declaration as Governor of Abia State by the Independent National Electoral Commission stood to the glory of God as the electoral bandits were rounded up and stopped on the way.

Many thanks to the resilient Abians and good spirited Nigerians God used to protect Dr Otti’s victory, particulary the Vice Chancellor of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO), Prof. Nnenna Otti, who served as the INEC Returning Officer for Abia Governorship Election, for insisting that authentic and verified Obingwa votes be counted against falsified figures. Recall Gov. Otti’s victories in 2015 and 2019 were upturned with what Abia electoral thieves celebrated as ‘Obingwa Magic’.

Upon his inauguration, Gov. Otti unveiled a development template for speedy transformation and development. As one prepared for the job, he swung into action without delay.

Though Abia’s transformation and socio-economic recovery are work-in-progress, an unbiased and objective assessment of the achievements of the governor shows early deliveries of democratic dividend, cutting across every sector, community, LGAs that also impact on the lives of the people.

The wave of the governor’s transformation and good governance are not only felt in Abia but outstandingly recognised nationwide given the ruins of underdevelopment, corruption, massive looting of public funds, mediocrity and godfatherism that inflicted extreme hardship on the people during the inglorius 24-years of the decimated Abia Peoples Democratic Party.

It is gratifying that a state that was mocked and caricatured is speedily transforming to a model and an epicenter of development and good governance within the first one year of Gov. Alex Chioma Otti OFR. This underscores the rationale Abians are renewing the social contract entered with him through the ballots.

Inasmuch as the governor doesn’t believe in celebrating his achievements and milestones recorded within the first one year, the anniversary, however, marks the completion and inauguration of several completed projects in Abia.

It also marks the ongoing rejuvenation and socio-economic emancipation of Aba, the commercial hub of the south east and south south, regular payment of salaries and pensions, including the recent payment of accumulated pensions and salary arrears, revival of critical sectors, such as education, health, transportation, agriculture and other social service providing MDAs as well as several empowerement programmes designed to lift Abians from the dungeon and economic hardship.

It marks purposeful leadership, accountability, transparent and prudent management of public funds for the welfare of Abians. It also marks the end of the era of hopelessness with a confirmation of the defeat of the oppressors and looters of public treasury.

The plan by Gov. Otti to bequeath an infrastructural and economically re-engineered state with unlimited opportunities for citizens’ prosperity, obviously, worths more than mere anniversary celebration.

It took the governor’s progressive mind, resources and purposeful spirit to conduct a study on the rot in Abia thus arriving at strategic actions to be taken in rebuilding a completely decsyed state and her dwindled economy.

That accounts for the reason the first anniversary of Gov. Otti represents a work-in-progress and strong foundation for a New Abia. It also defines the governor’s excellence and commitment to delivering an Abia of our collective dream and aspiration.

As the opposition plans evil against Gov. Otti and his administration apparently to trauncate his eighth-year development agenda, the governor on the other hand is increasingly demonstrating commitment towards delivering on his electoral promises.

His excellent performance within one year has enlarged his support base, earned him enormous goodwill and favourable public perception. Any conspiracy hatched against Gov. Otti is tantamount to an evil against the people, who are indeed the beneficiaries of the ongoing transformation and good governance in Abia.

Gov. Otti had severally promised never to loose focus in his determination and commitment to deliver a model state that shall become an epicenter of good governance and economic prosperity.

Congratulations, Gov. Alex Chioma Otti OFR for making Abians proud in your first one year in office.

Dr Ebere Uzoukwa, a policy analyst and media consultant, writes from Obingwa.