Your selfless and quality contribution to nation building has distinguished you among equals Ikoku eulogies Kalu on birthday



The Founder Emerge Women Development initiative, Mrs Mary Ikoku, has congratulated the Deputy Speaker Federal House of Representatives Rt. Hon. Benjamin Kalu, on the momentous occasion of his 53rd birthday celebration.

Ikoku who is the chairman Media and Publicity committee, of the Peace In South East Project (PISE-P), lauded Kalu for his many years of selfless and quality contribution to nation building

In a statement made available to our correspondent on Sunday, Ikokwu commended Kalu for being detribalize law maker who is fighting hard to restore peace in the South East using the PISE-P the non kinetic approach.

The development and Strategic Communication Professional pointed that Kalu is currently writing his name on sound of time through purposeful law making which has spurred him to draft the South-East Development Commission bill and gender quality

She pointed out that the bills when passed into law would improve the development of South-East and encourage women participation in politics.

The statement read in part, “I’ve looked at your political trajectory, and I can only say that God’s hand is upon you.

“Your passion for humanity, effective legislation, and restoration of peace in southeast and Nigeria is a testament to your high degree of candour, a critical trait of a good leader.

“On this special and joyous occasion of your birthday, we at PISE-P extend our warmest congratulations to you. It is a remarkable milestone that symbolizes a lifetime of wisdom, leadership and dedication.

“As you look back on the impactful life you have lived, filled with precious memories and countless achievement, it’s truly a testament to your resilience, wisdom and the profound impact you have had on the lives of people of Nigeria and those around you.

“Your birthday is constant reminder of the legacy you’ve built and the lives you have touched.

“As you celebrate this momentous occasion today, we raised our glasses to toast your remarkable journey as you blow out the candles on your birthday cake

“May your heart be filled with joy and gratitude. May your years be filled with continued blessings, good health, and boundless happiness. May you find new adventures create lasting mories and experience the beauty of life in all it’s from. Bravo your Excellency”.