Orji Kalu, The Man Tinubu Needs Now By Daniel Eke


Orji Kalu, The Man Tinubu Needs Now

By Daniel Eke

I most heartily, once again, congratulate our dear President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and all those who won their elections on the platform of our dear party, APC, and other political parties.
I also appreciate those who lost for their contributions to our nascent democracy. That is the beauty of democracy. I believe everyone is seeking a better nation for all.

To our very Senators-elect, every one of you that has emerged from your different senatorial districts from different states of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to give your different constituents good representation, I hope and pray that God shall give you the wisdom and power to give the much needed, people-oriented representation by His ample grace.

The next imperative task is the leadership of the National Assembly, which is the all-important legislative arm of government. As one who has witnessed successful democracy and understands how it works and with the love of my country flowing in my heart, I feel obligated to offer my objective opinion on this subject matter.

I have lived in the United States for over four decades and have also succeeded at the peak of my profession both in the United States and Nigeria.
I have also made substantial impacts professionally in the United States of America, therefore, I know the kind of persons we need in leadership at this point in our national political development to achieve the good governance and sustainable economic developments we all crave for, which is also the only reason I invested time and resources seeking to become Abia State governor on the platform of our great party to replicate the good governance I have witnessed in other countries.

There is copious need for our nation to measure up with other nations of the world where the systems are working.

I understand that to achieve this, we must not undermine our history, the background of our existence and we must not also undermine the prescriptions of our supreme guiding dictate, the mother of all our laws, which is our Constitution. The constitution is the grund norm, the working document of every nation, which must be strictly adhered to. This is because it is the way to achieve legitimacy of government, loyalty of all groups, persons within the nation, rule of law and national integration which at the end culminate into peaceful coexistence and good governance.

Every nation of the world has one thing or the other that differentiates its democracy from that of other nations. Peoples of different nations first consider those local fundamental issues which will endear lasting peace and tranquility in their national life and then align them with the fundamentals of democracy.
The respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, freedom of association, freedom of expression, access to power and its exercise in accordance with the rule of law, holding of periodic free and fair elections by universal adult suffrage, pluralistic system of political parties and organizations, separation of powers, independence of the judiciary, transparency and accountability as well as free, independent and pluralistic media are all tenets of good democracy.

Nigeria, our dear nation, is standing on the twin pillars of National Integration and Federal Character and this cannot be discounted.

Today, the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (As Amended), which is our guiding dictate, provides under Section 14 (3) that “The composition of the Government of the Federation or any of its agencies and the conduct of its affairs shall be carried out in such a manner as to reflect the federal character of Nigeria and the need to promote national unity, and also to command national loyalty, thereby ensuring that there shall be no predominance of persons from a few State or from a few ethnic or other sectional groups in that Government or in any of its agencies” and under 15 (2) “Accordingly, national integration shall be actively encouraged, whilst discrimination on the grounds of place of origin, sex, religion, status, ethnic or linguistic association or ties shall be prohibited” to corroborate and sustain the twin foundational philosophies of this great nation, which are, Federal Character and National Integration in the overriding national interest.

Also, it is interesting to read the APC Constitution 2022 (As Amended) under Article 7(i) “To promote and foster the unity, political stability and national consciousness of the people of Nigeria”, as part of its Aims and Objectives.

Therefore, considering the need to comply and abide by these guiding dictates, it is justified, that the President and the APC leadership zone the senate president to the South-East.

Among those elected from the South-East, Sen. Orji Uzor Kalu is the best and most outstanding and qualified by all ramifications for the exalted position of the nation’s No. Three citizen. He has been a member of the House of Representatives, former Governor for eight years, a Senator and a principal officer, being the Chief whip of the Ninth Senate and now elected for the second term.

It is also interesting to note here that Sen. Kalu, popularly called OUK, and our President, the Jagaban himself, were contemporaries as governors in Abia and Lagos States, respectively.

Those who are well acquainted with the history of political development in the country will agree with me that the duo shared similar governance style and political ideology.

Kalu has impacted people and brought them to limelight within and outside politics. He believes in people and result-oriented leadership and has the huge resources and relationships across all tribes in Nigeria and globally.

He also has the capacity and unprecedented ability to coordinate and manage people.

It is a common knowledge that Kalu has never in any circumstance, compromised his patriotism, nationalism, vigorous support and commitment towards building the Nigeria of our dreams.

He is a man of high leadership and political dexterity, sagacity and doggedness and a firm and unwavering party loyalist to be relied on wholeheartedly from all perspectives.
He delivers any task that comes to him with great commitment that yields exceptional results.

I immensely appreciate all Nigerians as we expect this great synergy between the executive and the legislature as never before, toward achieving good governance, sustainable political and economic development in our great nation.

Daniel Eke, MBA, CPA, CGFM, FCA
Former APC Governorship Aspirant for Abia State