….. This is Additional Responsibility, I will not disappoint you.

Saturday, the 26th day of August, 2023, marked another milestone in the history of Labour party, Ukwa-West L..G.A , as the entire Labour family Ukwa-West had their first General meeting with the General Manager of Abia State Oil producing Areas Development Commission (ASOPADEC), at his residence, Umunteke village, Ukwa West L.GA of Abia State.

The meeting which had the presence of the Stakeholders of the Party, Party Executives, the 10 ward Chairmen and their Executives, as well as the entire members of Labour party in Ukwa-West.

The meeting which was organized by the party leadership to thank God for the victory of our pragmatic Governor Dr. Alex Chioma Otti,OFR,and the appointment of our illustrous son Ven. Dr. Joshua Ogadinma Onyeike, as the General Manager of Abia State Oil producing Areas Development Commission ( ASOPADEC).

Also,the party which has been heavily needed divided after the 2023 General Election needed a rallying point and to mend fences in order to move Labour party forward.

Speaking at the meeting, some of the Stakeholders that represented the three (3) Zones of Ukwa-West, vi-sa-viz Associate. Professor Onwubiko Dike highlighted of the need to unite the party under the leadership of Ven. Onyeike, he emphasised that the party at this time must come together, have a direction and support its leadership if they will move forward.

Also speaking Chief. George Nwancha pinpointed on the need for forgiveness by party members as the level of bitterness and backbiting was too much and admonished Ven Onyeike to endeavour to use this opportunity unite the party, empower the youths of Asaa and use his office to bring adequate infrastructure to Asaa.

While Thanking God ,the House of Assembly candidate of Ukwa West Local Government in the just concluded General election and The leader of the party in Ukwa West Hon. Amsalem Eletuo said, his speech was to Thank God for the peace which will return to labour party in the land of Asaa. In his words,” I have forgiven those who betrayed me and the party, I bear no grudge against anyone, my position as the candidate of the party made me the leader of this party and Today for the sake of peace and inclusiveness, I hand over the leadership of this party to my Elder Brother and the General of Asopadec. As a party we agreed that I hand over to him and that I have done today. Let Ven. Onyeike be our rallying point. He is the Joshua of our time. Let him in the sake of justice lead Asaa people.

The Youth Leader of Labour party Ukwa-West, Com. Ikenna Lolo Thanked Hon Anselym for accepting the decision of the party leadership to hand over to Ven. Onyeike, he reminded Ven. Onyeike that to who much is given, much is expected. He said that the youths who are today in the arrival lounge of life is asking him to fly them as their pilot as they are ever ready to board with him.

Associate. Professor Onwubiko, further lamented on high rate of under-development, youth unemployment and infrastructural decay in Ukwa-West, irrespective of abundant natural resources which is inherent in Asa . He also described Ukwa-West Local Government ,as the treasure base of Abia State and appealed to Ven. Onyeike not to disappoint them.

Responding, the host and General manager of Abia State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission (ASOPADEC) Ven .Dr. Joshua Ogadinma Onyeike expressed Joy on the confidence reposed on him by the members of Labour Party Ukwa-West. He said that is one thing to appoint a leader, and another thing to support the his words, “said that going by the appeal made by the stakeholders,Executives and party faithfuls for him to be their leader in Ukwa West local Government ,i will not reject such offer from our people. With My antecedent as a person, i have the capacity, competence and character to deliver on this confidence reposed on me. But we must accept to be led as that is the major task ahead.

Asopadec is an intervention agency, it is for Both Ukwa and Abia people. We must Deliver Democratic dividends through ASOPADEC to Ndi Abia in General.

I promise today the 26th Day of August 2023 that I will not disappoint our people of Asa.”

Ven. Dr. Onyeike used the occasion to enumerate some of his challenges since assumption of office in the last one month, which includes; over bloated staff, backlog of 6 months salary arrears, etc as well as his achievements in the last one month which includes; payment of two months salary, restoration of electricity in the Commission, restoration of Mkporobe water scheme, rebuilding of a primary in Ozaa , rebuilding/restoration of Owaza water project which is nearing completion and completion of Umuokoromiri-Obehie road project which he increased from 1km – 1 .2 km.

Highlight of meeting was the presentation of Labour party flag by Ukwa-West LP Stakeholders and Executives as the Leader.

Scripted by:
Prince Nwala
Labour Party Publicity Secretary, Ukwa West LGA.