The Miracle of Stable Power Supply in Some Parts of Aba: Kudos to Dr Alex Otti’s Leadership (opinion)
By Anthony N. Nwaubani(PhD, FCA , ACIB) The SSA on Finance
to the Governor
There are two sides of the coin when it comes to influencing the human society for desirable actions and outcomes.
On one side is Followership and on the hand Leadership.
Followership connotes people and structures over which the leader exerts influence. On the flip side is Leadership. This is a much talk about term particularly in these days of emergency of clear selfish and unprepared leaders.
Leadership in it’s simplest term could refer to all arrangements, approaches, general and relationship skills and structures by which a leader tries to influence his/her followers into achieving desirable outcomes for the good of all.
Who is a leader then, one may ask?
A leader is one who has the capacity and ability to positively influence others within the existing arrangements and structures for desirable actions and expected outcomes for the good of all.
Followership is obviously very important. But in my humble view, leadership is about everything. This is because, once the head is rotten all the body is gone. In the same vein, once the head is alive, active, focused and prepared for the job ahead, the followership usually aligns with the leadership.
His Excellency, Dr Alex Chioma Otti OFR, the governor of Abia typifies the active, focused and prepared leader.
The Aba Power Supply
Who could have believed that some parts of Aba would one day begin to experience stable power supply?
I am not talking of what I heard but I have been experiencing. For one who may be in doubt, I am talking of physically existing areas in Aba such as 7UP/ Glass Industry, Dubic, Chief Ubani among others. World Bank Housing Estate and some other places in Aba have long been enjoying the new experience, being the first to be hooked to the Geometric Plant.
Plans are also on the way to replicate this pleasant development in other parts of Abia. The Governor HE, Dr. Alex Chioma Otti has never hidden his commitment to continue to support Partnership and Collaborative Arrangements aimed at ensuring reliable electricity supply to Abians. Fortunately, the man on the driver’s seat of the Power and Public Utilities Ministry- Eng Ikechukwu Monday is prepared equally.
How was Stable Power Supply made possible in a country where billions of dollars have been “invested” in the Power Sector without anything to show for it?
This is the billion dollar question.
No wonder all eyes have been on Abia State from February 26, 2024 when the Geometric Power Plant was commissioned by the roundly prepared governor, Dr Alex Chioma Otti.
Indeed all eyes are still in Aba over possiblity of successful Private Power Generation Initiative. In local and international fora bordering on fixing the economic challenges of Nigeria, the Governor Alex Otti- Geometric Private Electricity Generation Experiment is often mentioned. It’s success is very important to Nigeria as other States battling with age- long epileptic Power supply will likely beat their paths to Abia to understudy the feat.
The true story now is that, that experiment is a success story.
*What really made this difference – the success story ?*
The difference is in the Leadership. His Excellency, the Governor, Dr Alex Chioma Otti OFR has proved that he is prepared for governance. As a strategist, he identifies and addresses 20% of the challenges that produce 80% of the desirable outcomes. The Geometric Power Plant Partnership is a handy example of one of the Governor’s strategic thoughts.
The catalytic and multiplier effect of stable availability of electricity on any economy is a common knowledge even to a market woman. For a city like Aba with abundant creative and resourceful youthful minds, something heartwarming has happened and some better things will be happening in the economy of Abia State in particular and Nigeria as a country.
Overall , it’s all about leadership. Dr Alex Chioma Otti has within a period of about one year taken Abia State to the fore front in all fronts. Abia State is fast assuming it’s rightful position as real Number One indeed in Nigeria . Thanks to the leadership qualities of our God-given Governor, Dr Alex Chioma Otti OFR.
To God be all the glory.